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Contact Us

Cellar Heist is committed to ensuring our customers' satisfaction with all products purchased using the Cellar Heist Marketplace. If an error was made by sending you an incorrect wine, or if you received a damaged wine beyond the exterior issues listed in the disclaimer at sign-up, please contact us immediately, providing your order number and explain the reasons for your dissatisfaction. We will review the specific circumstances on an individual basis and make a determination in a timely manner of whether the return request meets acceptable criteria. After the case has been reviewed Cellar Heist will either exchange the bottle(s) or issue a refund for the applicable amount. Returns may not be approved after 14 days of you receiving your shipment.

You are eligible for a refund or replacement if your shipment arrives damaged or ruined, or if you receive a shipment that contains the wrong product(s), excluding damage caused by extreme temperatures. To be eligible for a refund or replacement, you must notify Cellar Heist of your request and the reasons therefore within seventy-two (72) hours of your receipt of the shipment. Cellar Heist may require you to return damaged products in their original packaging, or may require you to send pictures or other means of providing evidence of the damaged goods. Cellar Heist may reject your request for a refund or replacement if it cannot be verified that the product damage is eligible for a refund or replacement. Requests for replacements due to incorrect wine being received or damaged wine may be subject to a return shipping charge.

If we are not currently shipping to your home state, please reach out to us below:


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